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All you Need To Know about the Tekes - the army ceremony

Different types of Tekes


There are three main Tekesim/ceremonies


1. Hashba'a/Swearing In Tekes - takes place within two months of starting basic training.


2. Kumta/Beret Tekes - towards the end of basic training three-eight months from the start of the service.


3. Sof Maslul/End of Journey Tekes - about eight to fourteen months into the service.


What every Parent needs to know about a Tekes

  - take a hat/sunscreen

  - there is usually no shade on the parade ground and you can sit around in the blazing sun for long enough to get thoroughly burnt!  

  - in the winter dress warmly.

  - go early and sit as near to the front as you can, but accept that you won't see a thing. As soon as it starts, a bunch of Israelis will rush to the front to get a better view/take good photos/get a better photo than anyone else and generally get in the way. You're going for the atmosphere and so that your daughter knows she has your support.

  - if you get there early you might even see your son before it starts (MIGHT!)

  - sign up for the dvd - they'll deliver to any address in Israel, it costs about £5 and you'll see everything perfectly!

  - take bourekas/nash - the kids are hungry by the end (food is an important parental responsibility here - Israelis take massive BBQs, trunkloads of food!)

Mahal Mums & Dads  

Support Group for British  Parents of IDF Soldiers. 

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